Saturday, 24 May 2008

Communication issues. 24th May

This is John, Carole's husband signing into Carole's blog on her behalf.

Carole has safely arrived at Edale, at the start of the Pennine way, however unfortunately it appears she will not have access to the internet to update her blog for about another week. Carole just wanted me to let everyone know she hasn't fallen down a hole or run out of energy to write her blog, well not just yet anyway. Full service should be resumed in around a weeks time.


Anonymous said...

Met Carole on Thursday at Throwley Hall B&B she looked very fit and well we had breakfast together and she told us about her run she was very happy and looking forward to her rest day in Earby (we corrected her pronuciation as we are local to that area) good look to one very dedicated and focused lady
3 horse riders from Lancashire

Liz said...

Nice to hear the good news that she is safe, well and still having a great time besides all the hard work.

Well done

Unknown said...

That's going to be one marathon blog!! I may need to take the day off work to read it!!
Glad to hear all OK. Perhaps Hubby could take dictation!!

kim said...

What no bedtime stories for the next week! Seriously Carole you are doing absolutely fantastic, I really don't know how you are coping with all those miles and still smiling. Love reading your comments. Keep it up - nearly half way now. Hopefully you are managing to avoid the wet/windy weather whilst running.
