Monday, 21 July 2008

Tuesday 22 July (John's birthday!)

My certificate arrived last night confirming my membership to the 'End to End' Club and acknowledging my 'outstanding achievement' - that's going to take pride of place in a frame on the wall together with the 'before and after' signpost signs. Sarah and Kevin kindly put all the photos taken at the surprise Welcome Home party onto one disc - some of them are really really good - funnily enough, I've got a huge smile on my face in every single photo and a glass of wine in many of them!

Collecting of the sponsors is always a mammoth effort but it's not going too badly : quite a few people are giving me more than they originally sponsored and I'm also getting others supporting me who I didn't originally put their name down which is great. I was also in the on-line magazine at work last Wednesday and that prompted a further 8 hits to my JustGiving website.

So far I've collected cash and cheques (including the on-line JustGiving total) of just over £7,020 and with over £700 still to come I've easily passed my target of £7,500 and soooooo near to the £8,000 mark - how brilliant is that!?!

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